Friday, September 30, 2011

Full Tilt Poker Out Of Business

This isn't a moral issue about gambling, or even about internet gambling. Apparently, there's a big hunk of player money missing.. Madoff for the middle class gambler.

As a Las Vegas local, I'm concerned about TV production jobs lost due to PAD shutdown, as I'm sure no local TV person was part of the financial operation mentioned above.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

One More Minute For The Playboy Club Monday

The following is pure conjecture, and is not based on any firm information.

Based on news reports yesterday about PTC protests and national advertisers cancelling spots in The Playboy Club, I'm not surprised to see a comment in APT this morning about giving local stations an additional minute of local spots in Monday's airing.

My guess is NBC Network couldn't sell the spots that were cancelled quickly, and perhaps couldn't even give them away, so they've dropped them in local stations' laps. After all, I'm guessing NBC is busy trying to figure out how to sponsor 5.5 hours of network programming a week.

Don't count on this being a regular thing.. I'm guessing the Brian Williams news hour may well take this time slot in October.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Poker After Dark Officially Removed TFN

This is just the latest update about NBC's quiet decision to stop airing the Full Tilt Poker-funded Poker After Dark which filled 5.5 hours of NBC network programming each week.

Posted: 09/27/2011 11:08:04 AM
Air Date: 10/08/2011 Saturday
Start Time: 01:32:00 AM [ET]
Duration: 00:30:00
Type: New Booking
Message: IN WINE COUNTRY (B) is booked on Saturday effective 10/8/11 - 12/17/11 and 1/7/12 - 9/22/12 and replaces second half-hour of TBA (previously Poker After Dark). Please see updated format and feed tabs for complete details. Until a permanent replacement is announced, two episodes of ‘In Wine Country’ will replace ‘Poker After Dark’, until further notice. Clearances for this time period to be assumed based upon previously advised clearances for Poker After Dark unless otherwise notified.

In my demographic opinion, advertising buys aiming at a young male audience on PAD might not be best served by airing in "In Wine Country."

Monday, September 26, 2011

NBC Sports in First Quarter Earn New Estimates

With both the SuperBowl and Olympic trials in 1Q2012, NBC's regular pattern of winter sports has been adjusted more than usual. Professional RDs are likely to adjust estimates and rationale whenever applicable.

Today, I'm updating both the "Gold Standard" LPM market maintained here for Internal Use Only, as well as premiere RDRx NBC clients, like WRCB.

What do your station's 1st Quarter Sports Avails look like? If you would like our assistance, please visit RDRx.TV

Friday, September 23, 2011

NBC Sports Specials & Golf for 1Q2012 Booked

Posted: 09/23/2011 02:11:24 PM
Type: New Booking
Message: The 2012 First Quarter NBC Sports Specials package is now booked on the following dates: 1/1, 1/8, 1/14, 1/15, 1/21, 1/22, 1/28, 1/29, 2/4, 2/11, 2/12, 2/18, 2/26, 3/3, 3/10, and 3/17. Please see contingencies on these dates for further details and impact to other dayparts.

Posted: 09/23/2011 03:50:54 PM
Air Date: 01/15/2012 Sunday
Start Time: 01:30:00 PM [ET]
Show Name: GOLF
Duration: 00:30:00
Type: New Booking
Message: The 2012 FIRST QUARTER GOLF package is booked on the following dates: 1/15, 2/25, 2/26, 3/3, 3/4, 3/10, 3/11, 3/17, 3/18, 3/24, 3/25, 3/31, and 4/1. Please see contingencies on these dates for further details and impact to other dayparts.

RDRx premium clients will find their existing inventories updated when they next fire up MediaOffice.

All-American Bowl Gets APT Listing

Posted: 09/22/2011 06:24:37 PM
Air Date: 01/07/2012 Saturday
Start Time: 01:00:00 PM [ET]
Duration: 03:00:00
Type: New Booking
Message: 2012 U.S. ARMY ALL-AMERICAN BOWL is booked. Please see contingencies on this date for further details and impact to other dayparts. Please advise clearance.

My question about their timing of these announcements.. this game has been scheduled for years, and NBC has carried it for at least 5 years in this exact time period. Does NBC wait until the sponsor has signed the contract? Really, I'm curious. Because if stations only sell what is listed in APT, this game wasn't in most inventories until today.

In contrast, RDRx clients have had this game in their inventory non-stop for years.. just like the Macy's Parade and Tournament of Roses Parade. So, if this isn't in your inventory today, you need our assistance.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Poker After Dark Vanishes on Saturdays, Too

Dawn update: Saturday night's PAD has now been replaced.

I'm going to guess that Heads Up Poker might also not come back next year, but I've yet to see anything to confirm it.

Wondering why this is all so hush hush and sudden? Full Tilt Poker, the sponsor of PAD, is not only being investigated for federal internet gambling practices, but in just the last 48 hours, the US government has claimed FTP is a "Ponzi scheme", with most of the cash players left in their accounts and thought was in reserve having been used for personal purposes by some at FTP.

Until Roberts&Company can figure out to whom they will sell 5.5 hours of NBC time per week, wine snobs can fill up their DVRs with In Wine Country reruns. I'll keep a close eye on APT, as NBC isn't going to be making any noise about this on their own.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Poker After Dark's Future Uncertain @ NBC

Looks like "In Wine Country" is going to see a lot of air time for a while.

Posted: 09/21/2011 03:06:37 PM
Air Date: 09/21/2011 Wednesday
Start Time: 02:05:00 AM [ET]
Duration: 00:30:00
Type: New Booking
Message: IN WINE COUNTRY (A) is booked and replaces first half-hour of POKER AFTER DARK effective Wednesday 9/21 through Friday 9/23. Please see updated format and feed tabs on these dates for complete details. Clearances for IN WINE COUNTRY will be based upon previously advised clearances for POKER AFTER DARK unless advised otherwise

Wednesday - Friday's airings of PAD on NBC have been replaced by encore episodes of the grape-centric feature in RDRx inventories already.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Whitney & Up All Night Friday Encores Extend Into October

Client inventories were changed within 10 minutes of APT publication.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

SuperBowl Sunday Schedule Surfaces

APT reports NBC's plans for February 5th, including a special Jimmy Fallon show after late local news.

RDRx clients have updated audience estimates already published to their MediaOffice inventory.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

New Sports Special In Three Weeks

Posted: 09/14/2011 11:15:43 AM
Air Date: 10/09/2011 Sunday
Start Time: 04:00:00 PM [ET]
Duration: 01:00:00
Type: New Booking
Message: DIAMOND LEAGUE TRACK & FIELD is now booked.

From what it seems, the Sunday airing of Diamond League is the second portion of coverage that began on September 10th. LPM Live+Same demos I saw were mostly Men 50+.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

2012 Golden Globes Booked in APT; Check Your Specials Inventory

If these programs aren't already in your MediaOffice inventory, your station might need our assistance.

Posted: 09/09/2011 02:58:26 PM
Air Date: 01/15/2012 Sunday
Start Time: 08:00:00 PM [ET]
Duration: 03:00:00
Type: New Booking
Message: THE 69TH ANNUAL GOLDEN GLOBES AWARDS is now booked. Please note: This booking overrides all previously issued bookings, formats, and details. Please see individual air date for updated information. Please advise clearance.

Posted: 09/09/2011 02:57:36 PM
Air Date: 01/15/2012 Sunday
Start Time: 07:00:00 PM [ET]
Duration: 01:00:00
Type: New Booking
Message: THE 2012 GOLDEN GLOBE ARRIVALS SHOW is now booked. Please note: This booking overrides all previously issued bookings, formats, and details. Please see individual air date for updated information. Please advise clearance.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

4th Quarter Sports Specials Changes

Maybe it's the old retailer and LSM in me, but if I was selling to my favorite local retailer with targeted customers of Women 25-54 for the Holiday season, I would be all over the NBC Skating Specials in 4th Quarter. In every market, in every November sweep, these specials deliver consistent, bankable audiences.

Premium RDRx clients are being updated now that APT seems to have finished for the day.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

This Saturday Night Prime Changes

Posted: 09/06/2011 06:03:41 PM
Air Date: 09/10/2011 Saturday
Start Time: 08:00:00 PM [ET]
Duration: 01:00:00
Type: New Booking
Message: BEST OF NFL KICKOFF SPECIAL 2011 (working title) is now booked. This booking overrides all previously issued bookings, formats, and details. Please see individual airdate for updated information. Clearance is assumed based upon previously advised clearance for the 8pm "Who Do You Think You Are".

And Who Do You Think moves to 9pm.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

POTUS Pushes Prime, Late News and Late Fringe Back Thursday Night

NBC and NFL are trying to make sure the game doesn't get over-run by the President and the GOP reply scheduled for Thursday. So, they're extending the run of the game time for another half hour, pushing everything back, including your local newscast.

Posted: 09/06/2011 04:16:07 PM
Air Date: 09/08/2011 Thursday
Start Time: 11:29:30 PM [ET]
Duration: 00:35:00
Type: Time Change
Message: Due to expanded NFL Kick-Off game, Local News begins at 11:29:30pm ET this night. Please see contingencies for further details and impact to other dayparts.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Obama Squeezes Between GOP & NFL Next Thursday Night

Posted: 09/02/2011 04:09:47 PM
Type: Announcements
Message: NBC News will provide a Special Report covering the President's Address to Congress beginning at 7:00pm ET, LIVE to all stations. Coverage will end as soon as possible. Transition to NFL programming will be seamless. Network operations will inform stations of any impact to commercial pods in the NFL Kickoff program via Urgent Messages on Thursday evening. Revised contingencies to follow on Tuesday 9/6.

This means the longer the POTUS speech and GOP rebuttal, the fewer spots (you've already sold) run. If you've got clients running spots in the pre-game special, make-good plans should be on your mind when you get into the station on Tuesday morning. Remember, lag kills.

Friday and Saturday Night Changes This Month

There are several of these changes; see APT for the details.

Here's just one:

Air Date: 09/23/2011 Friday
Start Time: 08:30:00 PM [ET]
Show Name: WHITNEY
Duration: 00:30:00
Type: New Booking
Message: WHITNEY is now booked on 9/23 and 9/30. This booking overrides all previously issued bookings, formats, and details. Please see individual airdate for updated information.

RDRx clients have already been updated, a bit later than normal due to a dentist appointment yesterday afternoon. But you won't find this change listed on any of the consumer sites yet. You *do* go to APT several times a day, don't you?

If your NBC station's Prime and Specials inventory hasn't been updated since Wednesday, it's wrong.

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