Tuesday, September 2, 2014

NBC Posts "Save The Dates" For NFL Playoffs in January

Posted: 09/02/2014 12:09:50 PM
Type: Announcements
LATE NIGHT / ALL NIGHT possible start time change on Saturday 1/3 and 1/10: Start times are anticipated to be 30-min later than normal schedule if NFL PLAYOFF GAMES air on these dates at 8pm ET. Please see contingencies on these days for further details.

Posted: 09/02/2014 12:08:45 PM
Type: Feed
All or some feeds of Nightly News may be pre-empted on Saturday 1/3, Sunday 1/4, Saturday 1/10 and Sunday 1/11 due to the varying scenarios of the NFL PLAYOFF GAMES booking. Please see contingencies on each day for further details.

Posted: 09/02/2014 12:07:35 PM
Type: New Booking
The 2015 NFL PLAYOFF GAMES PACKAGE is booked. Multiple scenarios exist for the two games but only one will happen. Stations must prepare for all. Confirmation of the NFL schedule is not possible until approx 1 week prior to airdates. Please see the schedule and contingencies on Saturday 1/3, Sunday 1/4, Saturday 1/10 and Sunday 1/11 for scheduling details and impact to other sports bookings and dayparts. Please advise clearance.

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