Tuesday, April 19, 2016

NHL Hockey in Prime on Saturday

Posted: 04/19/2016 11:14:48 AM
Air Date: 04/23/2016 Saturday
Start Time: 08:00:00 PM [ET]
Duration: 02:59:30
Type: Announcements
This is to advise that an NHL Game is now guaranteed to air in Prime Time on Saturday, April 23rd. If the St. Louis/Chicago series ends in 5 games (Gm #4 tonight, Gm #5 Thursday night), then the Saturday Prime Time game will be NY Rangers @ Pittsburgh Gm #5. Under this scenario, IF AVAILABLE, the Nashville @ Anaheim Gm #5 will air in the 3-6p ET time period OR If Nashville/Anaheim is NOT AVAILABLE, then 3-6p ET will revert to local programming. If the St. Louis/Chicago series extends beyond 5 games, then Saturday Prime Time game will be St. Louis @ Chicago Gm #6 and the NYR/Pittsburgh game will air 3-6p ET.

The stuff traffic departments hate.

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