Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Golf Central Live Gets Absorbed by NBC Starting.. NOW.

Posted: 08/27/2013 04:34:38 PM
Air Date: 09/22/2013 Sunday
Start Time: 01:00:00 PM [ET]
Show Name: GOLF
Duration: 05:00:00
Type: Time Change
Message: TIME AND FORMAT CHANGE: THE TOUR CHAMPIONSHIP by COCA COLA is now scheduled 1:00-6:00pm ET (prev. sked 1:30-6pm ET). Please see updated format tab and contingencies for details. Clearances assumed based on previously advised clearances for this time period unless otherwise notified.
Posted: 08/27/2013 04:32:42 PM
Air Date: 09/15/2013 Sunday
Start Time: 01:30:00 PM [ET]
Show Name: GOLF
Duration: 04:30:00
Type: Time Change
Message: TIME AND FORMAT CHANGE: BMW CHAMPIONSHIP is now scheduled 1:30-6:00pm ET (prev. sked 2-6pm ET). Please see updated format tab and contingencies for details. Clearances assumed based on previously advised clearances for this time period unless otherwise notified.

 Posted: 08/27/2013 04:30:54 PM
Air Date: 09/14/2013 Saturday
Start Time: 12:30:00 PM [ET]
Show Name: SOCCER
Duration: 02:30:00
Type: Time Change
Message: END TIME AND FORMAT CHANGE: BARCLAY'S PREMIER LEAGUE (EVERTON v. CHELSEA) is now scheduled 12:30-3:00pm ET (prev. sked 12:30-2:30pm ET). Please see updated format tab and contingencies for details. Clearances assumed based on previously advised clearances for this time period unless otherwise notified.

(pah note: why is it NBC didn't expand the Saturday airing of the BMW Championship, but instead gave an extra half hour to BPL?  What made this day different from all the others on this page? 

Posted: 08/27/2013 04:26:53 PM
Air Date: 09/02/2013 Monday
Start Time: 01:00:00 PM [ET]
Show Name: GOLF
Duration: 05:00:00
Type: Time Change
Message: TIME AND FORMAT CHANGE: DEUTSCHE BANK CHAMPIONSHIP is now scheduled 1:00-6:00pm ET (prev. sked 1:30-6pm ET). Please see updated format tab and contingencies for details. Clearances assumed based on previously advised clearances for this time period unless otherwise notified.
Posted: 08/27/2013 04:24:58 PM
Air Date: 09/01/2013 Sunday
Start Time: 02:30:00 PM [ET]
Show Name: GOLF
Duration: 03:30:00
Type: Time Change
Message: TIME AND FORMAT CHANGE: DEUTSCHE BANK CHAMPIONSHIP is now scheduled 2:30-6:00pm ET (prev. sked 3-6pm ET). Please see updated format tab and contingencies for details. Clearances assumed based on previously advised clearances for this time period unless otherwise notified.
Posted: 08/27/2013 04:21:53 PM
Type: Program Deletion
GOLF CENTRAL LIVE is deleted on the following dates: 9/1, 9/2, 9/14, 9/15, and 9/22. Please see additional What's New messages for replacement programs.  

pah comment.. WOW!  They've sucked in Golf Central Live into the coverage of the Golf Events themselves, which will lower the total ratings of the named event. If NBC heavily weights the local spot avails towards the first half hour, they'll have gamed the system to benefit network advertisers who could be sold peoplemeter numbers later in the telecast by the minute which will always be better than the PAV including the half hour chatter which draws little audience, while local stations will use a PAV of the entire show, which would be an overstatement of the audience they can reach during their front-loaded avails.  But because it will be constant, it will become the new normal.  Oh, and look when it starts.  In three days. Jack Welch would be proud.

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