Tuesday, October 9, 2012

All Sunday Night Footballs Extend To 11:30p ET

Posted: 10/09/2012 01:58:25 PM
Air Date: 10/28/2012 Sunday
Start Time: 08:20:00 PM [ET]
Duration: 03:10:00
Type: Duration Update
Message: Duration Update: Effective 10/28/12 through 12/30/12, NBC SUNDAY NIGHT FOOTBALLwill air apx.8:20-11:30pm ET (duration is now 3:10:00). Please see updated contingencies and show details for further information. Clearances assumed based on previously advised clearances for this time period, unless otherwise notified.

This advance notification makes it a bit easier to plan & schedule promos and newscasts during the November Sweep.

Notice all the recent announcements of shows beginning 1 minute after the hour?

 REVOLUTION moves to 10:01:00 (previously scheduled at 10:00:00) and is now 58:30 in duration (previously 59:30

Yet another sign that NBC is now willing to play, in 60 second increments, with start times and over-runs.  Could this be a shift of NBC watching more minute-by-minute data of some kind, and playing within the new rules?  Don't think there's evil intent here, but it bears watching.

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