Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Parenthood Repeats Saturdays in March & Sappy Stuff

The following will be booked:

Saturday, March 6th and 13th
8:00-9:00 PARENTHOOD (Repeat)

Sunday, March 7th
7:00-8:30 DATELINE (Repeat)
8:30-11:08 MOVIE: BAD BOYS II (Original)

These will be updated this afternoon. On any other day, I would stop what I'm doing and update my NBC clients right now. However, as today is my 10th anniversary of sobriety, I'll be joining a "Group Of Drunks" for lunch, thanking them for helping me stay alcohol-free during this past decade. I'm still suffering from the "genius is first cousin to madness" bug, but that's not all bad. :)

A personal word here: Thank you, Gene Greenberg and Dick Hollister, formerly of KVBC, Las Vegas. You saved my life in 2000.

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