Friday, March 14, 2014

NBC Changes Tomorrow's Sports Line-Up

Posted: 03/14/2014 09:53:27 AM
Air Date: 03/15/2014 Saturday
Start Time: 12:00:00 PM [ET]
Duration: 02:00:00
Type: Time Change
Message: PARALYMPICS moves to 12:00n-2:00pm ET (prev sked 1:00-3:00pm ET). Note to PT stations: Feed #2 is cancelled. Please see updated contingencies for complete details and impact to other dayparts. Clearance will be assumed for this show in this new time period.

Posted: 03/14/2014 08:28:45 AM 

Type: Announcements 

Message: NBC Sports will broadcast the Paralympics Gold Medal Hockey Game between the United States and Russia live tomorrow, Saturday March 15th at noon ET to all time zones.

As a result of the foregoing, PGA Golf will now begin at 2pm ET, live to all time zones and conclude as previously announced at 6pm ET.

Several feeds of Sprout and Paralympics are impacted by these Sports changes.  Complete details of all Saturday feeds and formats will be in APT shortly.

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