Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Behind The Camera Changes on Today Show

The below tweaks to structure of the shows comes the same day as this:

NBC News is replacing the longtime director of “Today” in the latest sign of a top-to-bottom overhaul at the morning show, which is trying to climb out of a second-place ratings pit after a painful year there.
 A spokeswoman for “Today” declined to comment. But in an internal memorandum last Friday, the “Today” show executive producer, Don Nash, wrote, “We are looking at every aspect of the show — tweaking where the show needs tweaking, overhauling where the show needs overhauling. Many changes have been implemented already, many more are in the works.”

Posted: 06/18/2013 07:20:11 PM
Air Date: 06/18/2013 Tuesday
Start Time: 10:00:00 AM [ET]
Show Name: TDYIII
Duration: 01:00:00
Type: Timings
Message: Effective 6/18/13 - 9/27/13: Generic timings for TODAY SHOW III have been updated to reflect Network element changes. Please see updated timings tab on these dates for further details.

Posted: 06/18/2013 07:19:25 PM
Air Date: 06/18/2013 Tuesday
Start Time: 09:00:00 AM [ET]
Duration: 01:00:00
Type: Timings
Message: Effective 6/18/13 - 9/27/13: Generic timings for TODAY SHOW II have been updated to reflect Network element changes. Please see updated timings tab on these dates for further details.

Posted: 06/18/2013 07:18:37 PM
Air Date: 06/18/2013 Tuesday
Start Time: 07:00:00 AM [ET]
Show Name: TODAY
Duration: 02:00:00
Type: Timings
Message: Effective 6/18/13 - 9/27/13: Generic timings for TODAY have been updated to reflect Network element changes. Please see updated timings tab on these dates for further details.

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