Tuesday, November 15, 2011

12 Days Of Sports Specials in 2Q Booked

06:24:12 PM 04/07/12
Saturday 03:00:00 PM [ET] NBC SPORTS SPECIALS 01:30:00 New Booking THE 2012 2ND QUARTER NBC SPORTS SPECIAL PACKAGE is now booked on the following dates: 4/7, 4/29, 5/6, 5/20, 6/2, 6/3, 6/9, 6/10, 6/16, 6/23, 6/24, and 6/30. Please see contingencies on these dates for further details and impact to other dayparts. Please advise clearance.

Almost missed this amidst the avalanche of time-delayed APT postings about yesterday's press release.

RDRx clients will be updated tomorrow, have been updated and published.

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