Wednesday, April 26, 2017

NBC Swaps Local Players Spots for Senior PGA Avails

Posted: 04/26/2017 03:59:53 PM
Type: Contingencies and OpCons
Message: Contingencies on Saturday 5/13 and Sunday 5/14 have been revised to reflect the following: "Due to a contractual agreement NBC Sports does not control the inventory sold within this PGA event. Therefore, shared commercial positions cannot be offered if coverage goes past 7p ET." Please see updated contingencies for complete details. 

Posted: 04/26/2017 03:54:48 PM
Type: Format
The Players Championship golf programs on 5/13 & 5/14 were booked in APT with the incorrect local format (FIVE 1:34 internal station breaks). Per the PGA contract, in effect since 2007, only FOUR 1:34 internal station breaks are allowed during these programs, therefore one internal station break must be deleted. We apologize for this error. In order to make good your local units, an extra 1:34 internal station break will be added to each Senior PGA Championship program on May 27 & 28. Please see updated format tab on all four dates for details.

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