Tuesday, November 22, 2016

More Second Quarter Sports Announced by NBC

Posted: 11/22/2016 06:27:10 PM
Air Date: 05/20/2017 Saturday
Start Time: 03:00:00 PM [ET]
Show Name: CYCLING
Duration: 02:00:00
Type: New Booking
Message: AMGEN TOUR OF CALIFORNIA is booked. Please advise clearance.
Posted: 11/22/2016 06:25:37 PM
Type: New Booking
Message: THE 2017 2ND QUARTER TRACK & FIELD SPORTS PACKAGE is booked on the following dates: 5/27, 6/24, and 6/25. Please see contingencies on these dates for details. Please advise clearance. 

Posted: 11/22/2016 06:32:05 PM
Type: New Booking
Message: THE 2017 FRENCH OPEN TENNIS SPORTS PACKAGE is booked on the following dates: 5/28, 5/29, 6/3, 6/4, 6/8, 6/9, 6/10, and 6/11. Please see contingencies on these dates for details and impact to other dayparts. Please advise clearance.

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