Thursday, May 21, 2015

NBC Lengthens Belmont Stakes Coverage on June 6

Posted: 05/21/2015 09:53:08 AM
Air Date: 06/06/2015 Saturday
Start Time: 04:30:00 PM [ET]
Duration: 02:30:00
Type: Time Change
THE BELMONT STAKES: Will now air 4:30-7:00pm ET (prev. sked 5-7pm ET). Also, please see format tab for revised format. Clearances assumed based on previously advised clearances for this time period unless otherwise notified.

Posted: 05/21/2015 09:50:29 AM
Air Date: 06/06/2015 Saturday
Start Time: 03:00:00 PM [ET]
Show Name: BOXING
Duration: 01:30:00
Type: Time Change
PREMIER BOXING CHAMPIONS #4: Will now air 3:00-4:30pm ET (prev sked 3-5pm ET). Also, please see format tab for revised format. Clearances assumed based on previously advised clearances for this time period unless otherwise notified.

Since this race runs out of sweeps, only metered markets will notice how they break up the 2.5 hours in PAV.

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